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Customize Vinyl Letters for Your Car and Truck

With summer right around the corner you can expect the car and truck modifications to be already taking place for some fun in the sun. With so much of the US looking to reinvent themselves this year with the latest trends and customization styles, your vehicle shouldn’t be any different. In 2014 alone, most Americans were spending over a thousand dollars a year on what the Bureau of Labor Statistics defines as “Audio and Video Equipment and Services” Luckily, most Vinyl Letters won’t be running you these kind of high numbers- which explains the consistent bump in sales Vinyl Lettering companies feel every year as the summer months approach.

When you customize Vinyl Letters for your car, truck or motorcycle you’re giving yourself a huge platform to express your interests on a very public platform, nearly guaranteed to reach hundreds or thousands of individuals a day (depending on your residence). Customizing your Vinyl Letters to meet your standards are simple, but typically designers should make their letters bold, large and typically a contrasting color to the surface of your vehicle for best visibility.

To make your Vinyl Letters process easier, especially if you don’t have a design program close at hand. You can always use an online Lettering Tool, such as this one. What’s great about this kind of tool is how easily it frees you up from learning a new software program or being distracted by unnecessary elements for your Vinyl Letters. Most customers find the process a relief, in that they can design something perfect for their car or truck without having to worry about importing or exporting artwork.

Designing Vinyl Letters can be highly successful when following a few key principles. To start, understand your vehicle and the size limitations you may face. It’s always smart to measure your surface before you begin the design process. Also consider who will be seeing your Vinyl Lettering; in the design world there is an “optimal” viewing distance. That is to say there is a distance in which your Vinyl Lettering will appear neither too small or large to the viewer. Before you begin designing take this effect into consideration and use it to affect how thick or thin your lettering is. For instance, you may consider thicker, bold letters if the optimal viewing distance is too far away. In addition to this, the color(s) you choose will have an effect on how your viewers will be able to read your Vinyl Letters. This can be important if you want to get a message across very quickly, such at a stop sign or sidewalk pedestrian.

Time is of the essence when customizing your Vinyl Letters for your vehicle, as summer is quickly approaching and nobody wants to be left behind in such a critical vacationing and road trip time of the year. Keep in mind the aforementioned Lettering Tool for your next Lettering project and remember to properly scale your Vinyl to fit your vehicle. With these few tips we’re confident you’re customized vinyl letters will be perfect for years to come.